Thursday, May 1, 2014

I Can't Wait

I'm going to Zurich! I'm also going to Barcelona! In between, I'll eat in France, look at castles and cathedrals, hang about at the town my ancestors hail from, Kallstadt, look at the Alps, and go to Barcelona, where time slows down even more, there may be siestas, and I can see the amazing architecture of Antoni Gaudi. It's time for me to dance around my living room for a bit.

I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait.

I have to read more French. At the library today, I picked up a book that was just my speed, conversational French at a middle school level. Well, I can tell you that I actually remembered some of the words and phrases from stuff I learned earlier. I'm going to become proficient with please and thank you to start. The question I have, since I've seldom even heard a French person speak French, will be how I am to understand the answers to all these questions I am learning to ask. There's the problem in a nutshell. It's not like I can turn the television onto a French station and see if I can understand them. I wonder if the Internet can help me with that too? I'll have to try.

And German. I know about three words in German. Well, I'm really hoping that my sister and my niece will be there in Zurich when I arrive. Aside from being exhausted and disoriented from flying all night, I'll be illiterate and practically mute, well, as mute as a chatty person like me can be.

I can't wait, I can't wait, Ican'twait, Ican'twait!

Can you actually hear me dreaming out loud?

Thank you for listening, jb

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